CAM Seminar——Multiple scattering theory approach to ab initio electronic structure calculations
Speaker(s): Prof.WANG Yang(Duquesne University,USA)
Time:2018-11-07 15:00-16:00
Venue:Room 1303, Sciences Building No. 1
Abstract: Multiple scattering theory, also known as Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method, is
an all electron, first principles approach to electronic structure calculations. In this presentation,
I will introduce the multiple scattering theory and give an overview of its latest development. I
will also discuss its unique features and advantages compared to other ab initio methods.
Finally, I will show several important applications of the method in condensed matter physics
and materials science.
展了适用于金属与合金的线性标度量子力学算法(Locally Self-consistent Multiple Scattering, LSMS),开发了第一个超
越万亿次性能的科学应用软件,并获得了1998年Gordon Bell最佳性能奖。汪洋教授于2000年获得 Computerworld
Smithsonian Award(旨在表彰使用科技为社会带来有益变化的个人,由100家信息技术公司的CEO提名)。2009年,
的科学应用软件,获得了当年的Gordon Bell最佳性能奖。