Ph.D., Peking University, 1992.
M.S., Xi'an Jiaotong University, 1988.
B.S., Shaanxi Normal University, 1983.
M.S., Xi'an Jiaotong University, 1988.
B.S., Shaanxi Normal University, 1983.
Research Interests
Neural Network Architecture, Machine Learning and Computer Vision
1. Mixture of Gaussian Processes, Curve Clustering, and Big Data Analysis
2. Finite mixtures, EM algorithm, Automated Model Selection,Pattern Recognition
3. Clustering Analysis, Competitive Learning and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Data Mining
4. Bioinformatics,Image Understanding, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
5. Generalized Hopfield Networks and Associate Memory (MathSciNet)
1. Mixture of Gaussian Processes, Curve Clustering, and Big Data Analysis
2. Finite mixtures, EM algorithm, Automated Model Selection,Pattern Recognition
3. Clustering Analysis, Competitive Learning and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Data Mining
4. Bioinformatics,Image Understanding, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
5. Generalized Hopfield Networks and Associate Memory (MathSciNet)
Selected Publication
1. T. Li, J.W. Ma, “Dirichlet Process Mixture of Gaussian Process Functional Regressions and Its Variational EM Algorithm.” Pattern Recognition, 134:109129 (2023).
2. Z.Y. Shen, T. Hong, Q She, J.W. Ma, Z.C. Lin, PDO-s3DCNNs: Partial Differential Operator Based Steerable 3D CNNs, Proc. of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), PMLR 162:19827-19846.
3. T.H. Xiao, J. P. Hong, J.W. Ma, ELEGANT: Exchanging Latent Encodings with GAN for Transferring Multiple Face Attributes, Proc. of the 15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2018), LNCS 11214: 172–187.
4. Y.S. Jiang, J.W. Ma, Combination Features and Models for Human Detection, Proc. of 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp: 240-248.
5. Y.S. Dong and J.W. Ma. “Bayesian Texture Classification Based on Contourlet Transform and BYY Harmony Learning of Poisson Mixtures.” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 21(3), 909-9189(2012).
2. Z.Y. Shen, T. Hong, Q She, J.W. Ma, Z.C. Lin, PDO-s3DCNNs: Partial Differential Operator Based Steerable 3D CNNs, Proc. of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), PMLR 162:19827-19846.
3. T.H. Xiao, J. P. Hong, J.W. Ma, ELEGANT: Exchanging Latent Encodings with GAN for Transferring Multiple Face Attributes, Proc. of the 15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2018), LNCS 11214: 172–187.
4. Y.S. Jiang, J.W. Ma, Combination Features and Models for Human Detection, Proc. of 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp: 240-248.
5. Y.S. Dong and J.W. Ma. “Bayesian Texture Classification Based on Contourlet Transform and BYY Harmony Learning of Poisson Mixtures.” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 21(3), 909-9189(2012).