LI Tiejun


Personal homepage

1376E 86-10-62757592


Ph.D., Peking University, 2001.
M.S., Tsinghua University, 1998.
B.S., Tsinghua University, 1995.

Research Interests

Stochastic modeling, analysis and algorithms
1. Rare events in biology
2. Chemical reaction kinetics
3. Multi-scale modeling of complex fluids
4. Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations

Selected Publication

T. Li, P. Zhang and W. Zhang, Nucleation rate calculations for the phase transition of diblock copolymers under stochastic Cahn-Hilliard dynamics, SIAM Multi. Model. Simul. 11 (2013), 385-409.

C. Lv, X. Li, F. Li and T. Li, Constructing the energy landscape for genetic switching system driven by intrinsic noise, PLoS ONE 9 (2014), e88167.

C. Lv, X. Li, F. Li and T. Li, Energy landscape reveals that the budding yeast cell cycle is a robust and adaptive multi-stage process, PLoS Comp. Biol. 11 (2015), e1004156.

T. Li, X. Li and X. Zhou, Finding transition pathways on manifolds, SIAM Multi. Model. Simul. 14 (2016), 173-206.

T. Li and F. Lin, Large deviations for two scale chemical reaction kinetic processes, Comm. Math. Sci. 15 (2017), 123-163.